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Hat Tip- #6

The scariest part is not losing someone or something. What is scary is when you have lost touch with your own self. It is when you are happy in a group of people, but gloomy when you are alone. It is when solitude kills you and you stop being happy by yourself. That is what chills your spine and alarms you the most. When you have lost touch with your inner rhythm and have become incomplete, and you need people around you to company you, to lift you up, that is what is fearsome.
Nobody could mutilate you without your permission and no one could please you as well. Yes, people are going to hurt you. There will always be an incompatibility of temperaments between you and the person you love, but the relation will only go serene when you are at peace with your own self. The eerie numbness that surrounds you the moment you get detached with the outer world is not a good indication. I say, divorce yourself from the outer world and marry your inner rhythm. Know yourself, have a glimpse of your own heart, and get to understand yourself. It is only then you will get to know the other person better, and you become wiser. Talk to yourself, it is the man in the mirror who understands you the most, who knows your angelic side as well as the devilish side. When you are sad and depressed, steal time from the universe and concentrate on yourself. Give attention to yourself rather than the world. Listen to the voice sustaining in you rather than the fellow pedestrians.
Start taking responsibility for yourself. Never blame the people around you for what you have become. It does not matter whether you stand strong or you are frail and weak today; the shoes in which you stand today have been mended by the cobbler of your own hands. The fears and doubts that circumambulate you will evade eventually because you get clear of what actually makes you. You know your miscalculations, your flaws, your righteousness and your virtues. And you realize happiness is You.
Start to dream big. Cloud your mind with incessant pursuits so that petty stuff does not bother you anymore. Set high goals for yourself, plan a dream to achieve the unachievable of reaching the zenith. Endeavors such as this will prevent you from getting hurt in life because you don’t have time to bother about them. Know that you deserve to have it all. Uncover the infinite potential that is laid within you, and stop loving a life of mediocrity. Step into the wonderment of your highest self. They say you haven’t lived your life if by the end of the day you don’t go green in your knees.
Always remember, you are your own hero. No one, no one could defy what you are.


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