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Yet Another Dawn

2014 had been an year of blessings- a deep introspection, free of turmoil and agitation, calm; that made me strong internally. I won't tag memories as good or bad ones, there were mere lessons learnt as I walked down the lane. It was a race against myself, and indeed I have groomed up as a human being. I have learnt to be more rational and humane at the same time. This year has been a memorabilia I will always cherish. As I usher into yet another dawn of blessings and disguised-blessings, I hope to endure blessings from the past year- as I rediscovered myself the past year. I've become all the more a person of morals and precept.
No new year resolutions because I don't need any rhyme or reason to commit and tame myself, as I keep doing this the whole year round. An addition, anyways, would be to anchor my mind and emotions; to be more like myself- the dramatic flair and the confidence. 
I await more responsibilities and opportunities. Serenity and peace everywhere.
Happy New Year.



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