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The Final Destination

The nesh grass gradually touched her delicate bare feet. The cold breeze that had longed, was playing wild with her hair. The black clouds hovering above her had settled down and had paved the way for the sun to shine bright. The negative spiral that had her drowning deep into it, was now no more into place. She realized that peace is beautiful; that everybody is born beautiful, perfect and without faults. The grin on her face widened and the undeterred confidence added to the beauty. The girl who was brought to bay lately was now a free bird flying in the endless sky. There had been a phase in her life when her own reflection crippled through her nerves. Her scruple soul was clear on her intent and on the purpose of her existence.
She had strangely imploded, declined from indecisiveness through confusion tom utter impotence; had breathed the bracing air of tolerance but today she stands as a servitor to those who are strong, but camouflaged by their weakness. The battle with her inner demons was over because she realized she had bigger shoes to fill. You know, small issues don’t matter to you when you resolve to achieve bigger goals.

Her feeble heart was strong and determined today. You know that inexplicable confidence, the acerbic, the love that sprouts all of a sudden, without any mishap or tragedy. Just yesterday you were a frail and fragile girl and today you stand on a path ready to face the headwinds of risk and uncertainty with an impeccable calm and poise. That moment when you realize your purpose of existence on this earth and grow above everyone you were entangling with, unnecessarily. Every stuff seems to get smaller in front of that bigger, ultimate goal. The final destination. A flame of achieving the unachievable turns into fire. The almighty too paves the way to success for you to have an undeterred faith to reach the zenith. The uncanny knack for  achieving the status of the most satisfied person.


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