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Showing posts from 2016

Dispatch to a Friend

So this friend came to me the other day and accused me of being a paradox. He complained that your scripts talk about being vigorous and iron-willed while you, on the other hand, seem to be feeble and obscure; that you are a contradiction, full of falsehood and you drop lines on the piece of paper that you’re literally not. I let him had it at that while, because I believe I am good at pushing a pencil and am not blessed with the gift of gab. My dear friend, to you I write, I am a meek valiant. I sob at the sofa in the middle of the day, panting and yearning for something far-fetched. I am a miscalculation of theories and sentiments. While I scribble dauntless and lionhearted beliefs, I might be the most timid and reticent human being you have ever met. I am the one who fragmentizes inward and sheds bitter tears in a dark corner, rather than howling back. This ideal, prototypical girl in the back of my mind that I write about and that, in the heart of hearts, I aspire to ...

Hat Tip- #7

Two more years to go until I become eligible to call myself a graduate. I met amazing people through the course of this journey; had fascinating experiences and got to learn new lessons every day. I am proud of the person I am today. Looking back, when I connect the dots that got me to the juncture I stand on the present-day, I  realize  how everything was architectured impeccably to make me reach here. All the breakdowns and all the accomplishments, small or big, conspired altogether to get the best out of me and make me an improved individual. This has been an odyssey where I encountered mixed characters, but majorly those pathetic self-haters. The ones who get exhausted at the end of the day by the struggles they make at uprooting the plants in the other garden rather than cultivating and blossoming their own garden. The ones who hardly care about the porridge in their plates because they are too busy  centralizing  their attention on the other pla...

A Self-Contained Communion

She smelled pleasant like the first sun shower after a scorchy weather Memories floating like the rainbow after rain, scattered colors but together Her lips were iced, but those black, burdensome eyes recited a gospel fable While her grievous shoulder thrusted her, deep down a vague tumble At times unpoised, like a nomad shipping too fast At times stormless, like a baby falling asleep at the back of the moving car And all the while she got me more curious Made me wanting to unburden her forbidden secrets Intrigued by her blended texture, my desire to unearth her increased And the more I plunged her profound soul, the more penetrating and mysterious it became A congenital seeker, baiting her hook to hunt something dark A glittery-eyed maniac, now filled with bursting words, then painfully shy I want to slither in through the cracks of her heart Quench my thirst and drink the elixir of this abstract art May be she is caught up in a dr...

Wavering Season

Peeling off the mud on her jeans, she outstretches her lingering wings A fabled soul riding on a dark unicorn Making a final flight to the Utopian Paradise A love letter to the winter, maybe? She pauses to listen the rhythm of her heart Long lost in the drone of the madcap traffic Cut and cauterized, gasping hard for air Casting her wings, she creeps into the chill air. Grey clouds of yesterday, blanketing her blue sky Weak, sallow sunrays piercing to kiss her face Another dead leaf falls from the tree Clutching her soul she vacates the crimson carpet of the leaves. Autumn gradually wanes, she sees winter magnifying The touch of a new season, pretty flowers and blossoms A transient beauty relaxing the change of season A pristine book ready to unfold new stories. Unabashed, she ascends to throne the zenith in a land forlorn A mystical artistry anchoring her heart, again Dwell into her eyes, for he...